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The steps involved in the deportation process – Immigration Lawyer New York
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The steps involved in the deportation process

By on October, 07, 2011

If you are currently facing removal proceedings, or might face them in the future, it is important to know the steps involved in the deportation process. Below is a list of actions to be aware of:

  • The Department of Homeland Security issues a Notice to Appear (NTA), which orders you to appear before an Immigration judge and explains why you have received the notice, what your alleged crime or charges are, that you have the right to hire an attorney, and the consequences for not appearing.
  • The judge might determine that you will in fact not be deported, either because the information in the NTA is incorrect or for some other reason. This determination would end the procedure, sometimes permanently, sometimes temporarily.
  • The judge could determine, however, that you will be deported. In this case, you can apply for “Relief from Removal.”

Tags:  Deportation

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