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Diversity Visa Program (Green Card Lottery) For 2016 Applicants – Immigration Lawyer New York
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Diversity Visa Program (Green Card Lottery) For 2016 Applicants

By Michael H. Markovitch, Esq. on September, 14, 2016

The Diversity Visa (DV) Program, otherwise known as the "Green Card Lottery", makes available each year by random selection 55,000 immigrant visas to people from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.


DV-2018, American Visa Lottery

DV-2018 is the forthcoming American visa lottery program and it is expected to be open officially on October 4, 2016 . This program will select nearly 100,000 applicants as winners and will issue nearly 50,000 American Immigrant visas for the eligible winners after processing their visa applications and checking their eligibility under the draw rules. Winners will not get their visas right away, but will be given chance to apply for the visas through the normal online processing where they will pay US$ 330 as the visa processing fee ONLY to the US Consular Offices. Never send money through banks and through Money transfer programs to get your American visas.

Opening Date: 04th October 2016
Closing Date: 11th November 2016

The Applications form will be provided for a period of 34 days only. After this dates the facility will be closed.

Eligibility for this program is determined by a person's place of birth, not by their citizenship.

The program is administered directly from the U.S. Department of State Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) in Williamsburg, Kentucky.  The Kentucky center was established in the year 2000 by the U.S. Department of State to take over administration of the Diversity Visa Lottery program from the National Visa Center in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.  KCC has continued the excellent tradition of quality service to all applicants of the DV Lottery program.



Eligible participants who want to participate in this limited time program must have the minimum education level as successfully completed high school certificate with the required compulsory subjects after studying in the lower and high schools or must have 2 years of work experience within the last 5 year period in an occupation after learning/practicing it for a period of 2 years. Take note those profession must come in the Job Zone 4 or 5, classified in (SVP) range of 7.0 or higher in the O-net database.


Family Members

Unmarried person is required to play as a single applicant while an eligible married person must include details and individual digital photo files of his/her spouse and all their children who are unmarried and under the age of 21 even if the children are not living with them or not intended to travel to the USA with the primary applicant. Those gay partners too can participate in this draw, if they are legally married. Children with American LPR or American citizenship are not to be included in the draw. America approves only monogamy marriages, so people with more than one spouse are not allowed to participate in this 2018 draw. Father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt and grandparents can't be included in this draw as family members.

For further information or questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact The Law Offices of Michael H. Markovitch.

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