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The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration (USCIS) published new fee schedule for immigration and naturalization benefit requests. The fee …[Read More]
By Michael H. Markovitch, Esq. on November, 10, 2016
Helping a family member, whether it is your spouse, fiancé(e), child, parent or brother or sister, become a permanent resident …[Read More]
By Michael H. Markovitch, Esq. on April, 04, 2016
On June 26, 2013 the Supreme Court unequivocally affirmed that there is no legitimate reason for the federal government to discriminate …[Read More]
By Michael H. Markovitch, Esq. on June, 26, 2013
Deportation is “the formal removal of an alien from the United States when the alien has been found removable for violating …[Read More]
By Michael H. Markovitch, Esq. on October, 07, 2011
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is proposing a new rule, which would allow certain international entrepreneurs to …[Read More]
By Michael H. Markovitch, Esq. on August, 29, 2016
The Immigration and Nationality Act Sec. 204 (c) prohibits the approval of a subsequent petition if the alien committed marriage fraud …[Read More]
By Michael H. Markovitch, Esq. on September, 09, 2014
The Relief from Removal process can take one of the following paths: ​Voluntary Departure: Someone who has been found to …[Read More]
By on October, 07, 2011
A person may become a U.S. citizen (1) by birth or (2) through naturalization. Naturalization is the way immigrants become citizens of …[Read More]
By on November, 12, 2009
This article will address various scenarios as posted by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services in connection with one …[Read More]
By Michael H. Markovitch, Esq. on April, 20, 2016
Often clients contact my office with the following general questions regarding the process of becoming a naturalized …[Read More]
By Michael H. Markovitch, Esq. on May, 21, 2014
If you are currently facing removal proceedings, or might face them in the future, it is important to know the steps involved in the …[Read More]
By on October, 07, 2011
Each country has its own requirements for obtaining police certificates or clearances. Specific information is available from the U.S. …[Read More]
By on November, 12, 2009